30 Day Summer Challenge!

Need some extra motivation to stay FIT this summer? Check out our 20 day fitness challenge that you can easily do at home! Add these exercises to your morning wake up routine to really add some pep in your step for the day! If you can’t do the full exercise, rest and recover then finish!
Day 1: 30 full body push ups (3 sets)
Day 2: Stairs- running up and down for 5 minutes
Day 3: 200 body squats (2 sets)
Day 4: 1/2 mile jog or run
Day 5: Plank for 1 minute (3 sets)
Day 6: 50 burpees! Yes, 50!
Day 7: 20 pull ups (can do assisted) for 3 sets!
Day 8: 30 jump squats, 3 sets!
Day 9: High knee running for 2 minutes, 2 sets
Day 10: 1 minute of mountain climbers, 3 sets
Day 11: 3/4 mile jog/ run
Day 12: Plank for 5 seconds followed by a push up. Repeat for 1 minute for a total of 3 sets.
Day 13: 1 hour walk after dinner!
Day 14: Walking up the stairs skipping a step. Do the left leg 5 times up and down then the right leg.
Day 15: 15 sprints outside! Get that heart rate up!
Day 16: 1 minute sit ups, 3 sets
Day 17: Split squat jumps (lunges jumping alternating legs). Do for 1 minute, 3 times!
Day 18: 50 burpees, 2 sets!
Day 19: 1/4 mile FAST run!
Day 20: 15 burpees, 15 push ups, 15 jump squats- 3 sets!