Back Hurt? This Might Be Why..

Too often than not, the biggest complaint I get is low back pain. It is extremely common but also preventable. There are many reasons why your back might ache but it can be hard to identify them. Here is a short list of somethings that could be causing your back to hurt and you may not even realize it.
1) BAD MATTRESS: When was the last time you changed your mattress or flipped it? Did you know you’re supposed to flip your mattress every 6 months and get a new one every 8-10 years? Having an old mattress could reck havic on your back and cause you to wake up in pain, daily.
2) UNSUPPORTIVE PILLOWS: Maybe your mattress is new but how are your pillows that you sleep on? If they are too soft it could throw your spine out of elignment and same with it being too hard. Your pillow should support your head and neck while keeping the spine neutral.
3) OLD SHOES: First question I always ask, “how old are your shoes?” You should replace your exercise shoes every 6-8 months depending on how often you wear them. Daily walking shoes should also be replaced often. Make sure they are supportive and tie in the front. Slip on shoes, flip flops and poorly supported boots can ruin your posture and cause back pain.
4) OFFICE CHAIRS: Does your back tend to hurt while your working hard on your computer? Your desk chair could be the reason why. Make sure your wrists are below your chest and your feet are both flat on the floor. You also want a small amount of lumbar support without slouching. Keep your neck inline with your spine as well. This is one of the biggest reason why people tend to have back pain. Take note on how you sit at work!
5) CARRYING A BAG: Do you carry a bag to work? Don’t we all? Are you carrying it on one shoulder? Make sure you switch it up. Carry your bag on the left in the morning and on the right side on the way home. Better yet, get a backpack so the weight distripution is even. This could throw your spine off. It’s an easy fix for stronger back!