Can Being a Mom Ruin Your Posture?

Are you a mom? If so, you’ve probably felt lower back pain or hip pain at some point during motherhood. Being a mom is no easy task. It can be rewarding and exhausting. From pregnancy to early years of childhood, our children usually are attached to our hip, literally.
I’ve had many female clients who are mothers find themselves with muscular imbalances and/or alignment issues that could lead to much bigger things if not taken care of (hence why I feel the need to address it). Why is this you ask? Well, if you’re carrying around a child who starts off at 7lb but gradually grows to 15lb then 30lb and so on, it will eventually take a toll on your body. Many of us tend to carry our children on one side of the hip as well (yes, you know you do it). This causes postural issues and will lead to imbalances in the body which will only get worse over time if not corrected.
How do we correct this? We have to pick up our kids and try and multitask at the same time, so what’s the solution? Well, there’s no easy button for this one, but there are steps you can take to make sure you’re taking care of your child AND yourself. If you love carrying your baby on your hip, switch hips. I know it’s easier said than done, but DO IT. This will help even out the weight. Also try carrying your baby in front of you (as pictured above). This will keep the weight distribution even and take less pressure off of your hips (be careful not to push hips forward because that will put pressure on low back). And lastly, my favorite: baby wear. I love my Ergobaby. The Ergobaby free’s up your hands, keeps your weight centered and has low back support. You can also wear it on your back to help change up weight distribution. The Ergobaby carrier works from newborns up until 45lb! I highly suggest a baby carrier if you do not have one.
Whatever option listed above you find useful, just make sure to do it! I’d hate to see you walk lopsided because you hauled around a kid on your hip for 4 years OR worse, suffer in pain. Be mindful of your posture and enjoy the journey!
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In good health,