How to Be Successful in Your Fitness Goals

So you want to become more fit, healthier, stronger, leaner and everything else that screams, “I’m fit!” Sure, it’s easy to say this and want it, but what does it really cost? How do some people make it look easy and others can’t seem to loose the weight for the life of them!?
I’ve been a trainer for 11 years, (yah, you read that correctly). I’ve seen many walks of life come in and out of the gym telling me they want X, Y and Z. So how do I know when someone is going to be successful at their goal? I don’t. You can tell me everything you THINK I want to hear, but it doesn’t mean anything. When someone is successful in their fitness journey, it’s because they are MENTALLY committed to it and READY for a change. That is something I cannot see (maybe in the future there will be a brain camera that will let me know, but until then..).
Here are the top 5 things you need to do to become successful in your goals:
1) Mentally commit to WHAT it is you want. If you don’t have goals then you’re mindlessly working! You have to be strong in the mind to be strong in the body. Point blank.
2) Have a good support system. Too often I hear that significant others, family members, or co-workers are NOT supportive of weight loss goals. It blows my mind! Would you rather see someone unhealthy and eating crap all day OR see someone who cares about living well and taking care of their body? Hint: option 1 is the correct answer.
3) Just do it. I absolutely have no tolerance for excuses. I don’t buy them. If you are serious about taking care of yourself, then get your butt to the gym! Wake up early and get it done. There is plenty of time to take care of yourself, but it comes down to MAKING time. Just DO it.
4) Out with the bad, in with the good. We’ve all heard this, but try applying it to fitness and wellness. If you have bad food in the house, nothing good will come of it! Get rid of it! If you are going out regularly on Friday nights for drinks and pizza, you need to change it! Take out the bad and replace it with some good habits! Maybe make Friday nights a regular “cooking at home” night.
5) Live in the present, not the past. More often than not, I hear, “when I was like this,” or “my body is like this.” Stop letting your mind go to what was and go to what is. You need to live in the present and not dwell on the past. If your constantly thinking of what your body was like your whole life or your most fit state, then you’ll never grow. Worry about this moment right now.
Now, how are you going to change? Figure out 3 points that will help make your life healthier. What do you have to lose?
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In good health,